Stop here if you have a sensitive stomach
Coz it's gross all the way.
You know in my pre-children situation (which lasted a mere 32 yrs so you can't say i hadn''t had time to think it over, still..) I never realized how much puke, nose stuff, poop and pee i was about to be handling.
Ever seen M. sneeze?
I swear there's 15 inches coming out of his nose and he hails it all back up again. Ok, ok , by that time we've got him a napkin or piece of toilet paper to blow his nose in again. (and why is it that THAT takes them a few yrs to learn ?).
And R. is even worse.
Sometimes when we don''t have any paper near by, he makes them blow in his hand.
Even I am shaking my head here.
Ok the poop.
For some reason M. and T. were taught at kindergarten never to wipe their own bottom's (yes, i was about to say ass, but they have to cutiest of bottoms) but stand on all 4 with their bottoms stuck in the air and yell for someone to come over.
Now as you all know, M. became 6 a few wks ago and he''s still at it!
We've been saying things like he's a big boy now (when he started going to school, i asked him how he managed there. He said he only peep in school and saved the rest for home. Figures.)
and i actually taught him how to wipe till there''s nothing more showing on the paper (sorry guys but i did warn you upfront) but it won''t work.
Guess at 18 we''ll just have to find him some nice looking nurse who has dealt with this before.