A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I am going to see Madame Butterfly tonight with Meliss and Jess.
Very excited about it.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Weather wise, the past weeks have been so much better than the whole of August, it's amazing.
It does mean mosquitos though.
and i am known to be the bugger they're after.
this morning i woke up with 2 swollen eyes through which i could hardly see.
at the breakfast table my 5 yr old daughter looks at me and inquires;
do you plan to go out today looking like that?
yeah, i laugh, maybe i'd better wear sunglasses.
i think you should she says.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I have had complaints.
about someone who starts a blog, works on it for a couple of months, looses interest and then starts another.
She's at her 3rd. No wait. 4th.

here's an update.
These are my weekends; i go with morten to some gymhall in the middle of nowhere for a judo match. He has several matches between 9.30 and 12.30.
At 12.30 robbert and the rest arrive and they have matches between 12.30 and 15.30.
At 4 we have to be in a swimmingpool in another hole.
at 5.30 we are home and then i haven't done a thing whole day.


Then on a sunny Sunday i go and pack my family for a bike ride.
we bike for a couple of hours, have a drink and a snack, visit some playground we come across and on the way home, i think Why not and fall WITH my bike from a staircase.
i have been stiff for 2 days and walked like a cripple.
my thigh is black and my instep couldn't bend so.
yeah. i looked funny.

well there you have it.

then my coworkers father died.
and the other one quitted.
one is on holiday
and the last one only works 3 days a week.

i have been working pretty hard.
and didn't have time to update RACHEL!!!!

and then we took the boat to Londen
all about that another time

Saturday, September 06, 2008


This is the first of the many goals we got against us today :(
Water polo is a game where you play 2 or 4 times 5 minutes and have 2 minutes in between to change field sides and catch your breath.
There are 4 swimmers in the water and 1 goalie.
You can only catch and throw the ball with one hand.

Everyone clearly had to get into the rythm again, and apart from that tactics were not always clear too.
Timo is trying to convince the coach of his ideas while Morten, sitting next to him, seems to have lost it totally.

They played at 9, at 10 and at 11.
Lot of time to kill in between, that's why Morten brought the ds.

Everyone putting on their caps. You either play with white or blue caps (depending on the side of the pool you start) and the goalie has a red cap.

Our coach giving it his all.

Still. After 3 lost matches they got the 4th prize and as long as you give a kid a trophy, all is good.
I do think Robbert has some work to do though at the training next Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Now that Chelsea has said yes i no longer have to hold back *haha* and can tell you all about some pretty awkward moments we have had during the holiday.
You're warned though; this post may contain stuff you don't want to know about us.

number 1
Imagine everyone having lunch at some seafood restaurant. The waiter is bringing drinks and Morten asks;
what is to ejaculate?

Robbert somehow always has his mouth full on these moments and referred to me.
So, as simple as possible I explained.

Wow Caroline said
I cannot wait to tell this to Olga.

as i text to Melissa; the moment Caroline is starting about her G-spot i leave it up to Robbert.

number 2.
we are in this apartment and i come out of the shower. I bend over to dry my feet and Caroline pokes between my butt saying; hey i see hairs.
If you want to see a hairy butt i tell her, go over to your dad.
Robbert is showering and scared crazy when he feels a little hand behind him, pulling his bottom and going where little hands are not supposed to be.

number 3
Timo is having a friend over.
at the dinner table he starts laughing and tells his friend, who is sitting right beside him; you know, you are a negro.
Huh? the boy says.
Yeah, Timo explains; you are black are you not.
You are a negro.
Robbert and i have changed to pale white by now and try to distract them with a totally different topic, but seriously, sometimes i am so glad there are no other people hearing this.

up untill now of course.