A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The party

Opa en oma's

It was a long day.
First time school in the morning. Some tears when we said goodbye but she was exhilarated when I picked her up and had already made 2 friends.
Then a quick lunch, friends coming over, family coming over and cake.
Playing, more candy, playing, the tub (friends didn't want to go home and spontaneously joined the tub where M. declared 'if this is how it is going to be I want to form groups who can take turns in the bath") Timo knocking out his brothers 5th tooth, dinner and finally to bed.

R. playing the grandma AND the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood

Playing with all the new toys

Casper and Celia

Joel and Emma

The cake (heartshape)

Sam enjoying the decoration

this is how they went to school yesterday morning. See that face of hers?

Warning, high on pink

There you have it; pink wallpaper with princes and princesses

The new bed (with a little table underneath) and a view on the wallpaper

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Our little princess

Ofcourse there were several presents but for now there is 1 that beats the others; her princess outfit. Complete with earrings, wand and handbag.
Best though; the heels. She's having a hard time but o man, heels !!

4 yrs.
Thanks Jamie for the card and the tattoos. Everyone is covered with them!

Today is her last day at Kindergarten and tomorrow she'll start at the Basisschool where her brothers go too. (speaking of those; Morten got his B diploma last Saturday!! AND he needed to bring some pissebedden (roly poly's??) to school to investigate them. Althought it is not in his job description :) i asked Austin to catch those)

Tomorrow afternoon, right after school it's cake and party.

My little girl.
Don't get me started coz i've got water in my eyes already.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I swear, true stories

The playground behind the school.
Timo and Morten are in the big swing and want me to push it as hard as I can.
M. says;
whenever I am bit scared, or something exciting happens my willy starts to itch.

I almost wet myself.

That gave him the impression he was the funniest guy ever and 2 minutes later I heard him proudly repeat the same story to 2 (older) friends, who- thank G.- couldn't have cared less.

Then this afternoon.
Exhibition about dinosaurs.
First hall we had to go in to was dark.
filled with as realistically as possible rebuilt dinosaurs, complete with movement and sound.
Caroline almost ran out as soon as it hit her and the boys were startled enough to enquire if we were sure they were dead.

Then the movie.
About coupling dinosaurs.
And how this was very dangerous for the woman because she had to -temporarily- carry 10.000 kilo extra on her back.
The inevitable question.
Because the male climbed on her back

Because that's how he shoves his willy into her hole to make baby's.


Monday, October 09, 2006

I know what we did last weekend

Yummie yummie delicious

The swimming.
Well it's going to be a close one.
He had to do 2 parts over again and this last Tuesday his swimming teacher will give him some extra attention.
The thing is, coming Saturday, the swimming instructors are being judged too, so no half work can be tolerated. He really has to do his best or he will fail.
Keeping our fingers crossed!

Afterwards we drove to Amsterdam where Vincent & Linda had invited us for dinner (see the last part above). They have a 6 yr old girl and a 4 yr old boy (and a new kid on the block in the tummy) and we really had to drag the kids with the only possible promis that one day either they might stay over there or the kids would come over to us.

Yesterday we changed C.'s room
Put up the princess and prince wallpaper (pink) with a special ribbon underneath of even bigger princesses and prince (also pink) and .......
her new bed.
A huge bed.
And for almost an hour things went beyond expectation.
The 3 of them were playing in it and at dinner she kept saying how she couldn't wait to get into her new, big, bed.

Then T. said her bed wasn't stable against the wall and contained monsters.

Thank you Timo!!

We ended the whole teary discussion with setting up her old bed under the big new one.
Let's just hope in a few days she will be willing to try.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

This little fellow is going for a swim in about an hour. TTYL after that one!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Puppets, teeth and a B diploma

C. is turning 4 in a couple of weeks and slowly we are beginning to convince her how great it is that
1. she will get a new bed (the boxes are in her room now and that's when we found out the bed is 10 centimeters too tall for the place we had in mind.)
First she was crying that she didn't want to say goodbye to her old bed and that she liked the way she had to climb in and out.

2. she can go to "de Basisschool" where her 2 brothers already are.
I must say, apparently we do a good job because even T. is now quite enthusiastic when we start about it.
On the other hand the other day when I took her with me to bring the boys to school I said to her "shall we go in and meet your teachers"
No, she said, we're her for T.

3. She can start judo

4. she can be put on the waiting list for swimming lessons.

5. and as she said this morning; she can also have horse riding lessons.

6. And now that she is almost leaving toddler school, she could take home "Puk" one of the puppets for a weekend over.
However, after initial enthusiasm Puk lost his trousers and his book and she couldn't be bothered too much to look after it.

This morning M. could hardly eat his sandwich because one of his front teeth was so loose, it almost fell out.
In fact I tried to pull it out but it was too slippery.
You have to put your nail at the top of the tooth against my gum he said.
No way honey I just don't dare.
Then he sort of tried (Austin and I didn't dare look) but didn't succeed.
Now he does have Judo this afternoon so if it isn't out by then maybe one of the other kids can "help"

the biggest news of all;
this Saturday he can do the trial swimming for his B diploma.

To be continued.