A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Monday, October 09, 2006

I know what we did last weekend

Yummie yummie delicious

The swimming.
Well it's going to be a close one.
He had to do 2 parts over again and this last Tuesday his swimming teacher will give him some extra attention.
The thing is, coming Saturday, the swimming instructors are being judged too, so no half work can be tolerated. He really has to do his best or he will fail.
Keeping our fingers crossed!

Afterwards we drove to Amsterdam where Vincent & Linda had invited us for dinner (see the last part above). They have a 6 yr old girl and a 4 yr old boy (and a new kid on the block in the tummy) and we really had to drag the kids with the only possible promis that one day either they might stay over there or the kids would come over to us.

Yesterday we changed C.'s room
Put up the princess and prince wallpaper (pink) with a special ribbon underneath of even bigger princesses and prince (also pink) and .......
her new bed.
A huge bed.
And for almost an hour things went beyond expectation.
The 3 of them were playing in it and at dinner she kept saying how she couldn't wait to get into her new, big, bed.

Then T. said her bed wasn't stable against the wall and contained monsters.

Thank you Timo!!

We ended the whole teary discussion with setting up her old bed under the big new one.
Let's just hope in a few days she will be willing to try.


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