A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Now that Chelsea has said yes i no longer have to hold back *haha* and can tell you all about some pretty awkward moments we have had during the holiday.
You're warned though; this post may contain stuff you don't want to know about us.

number 1
Imagine everyone having lunch at some seafood restaurant. The waiter is bringing drinks and Morten asks;
what is to ejaculate?

Robbert somehow always has his mouth full on these moments and referred to me.
So, as simple as possible I explained.

Wow Caroline said
I cannot wait to tell this to Olga.

as i text to Melissa; the moment Caroline is starting about her G-spot i leave it up to Robbert.

number 2.
we are in this apartment and i come out of the shower. I bend over to dry my feet and Caroline pokes between my butt saying; hey i see hairs.
If you want to see a hairy butt i tell her, go over to your dad.
Robbert is showering and scared crazy when he feels a little hand behind him, pulling his bottom and going where little hands are not supposed to be.

number 3
Timo is having a friend over.
at the dinner table he starts laughing and tells his friend, who is sitting right beside him; you know, you are a negro.
Huh? the boy says.
Yeah, Timo explains; you are black are you not.
You are a negro.
Robbert and i have changed to pale white by now and try to distract them with a totally different topic, but seriously, sometimes i am so glad there are no other people hearing this.

up untill now of course.


Blogger Sharon~heartsongs said...

I have a lot going on and I really needed a good laugh today.

7:00 PM

Blogger Spontaneous Dreamer said...

Oh my goodness.. so funny! I've started a new blog by the way.. try not to get your hopes up as im a little rubbish at updating as you well know!!

Oh and i have a laptop! Horah!

Miss you all x

10:57 PM

Blogger MELISS said...

I never heard about the last one!

All three of these things make me split my sides.
The little ones are the funnoest things ever.

10:25 AM


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