A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Saturday, July 23, 2005

So. Now. You're. Back.

No not from outerspace, but from France.

Came home yesterday evening. All of a sudden I had had it.
Sleeping on those airmattresses for 2 weeks is not my hobby, dressing/undressing sort of bended down -coz it's difficult to stand up straight in a tent- isn't either and going to the toilets where clearly others went before you, tops it off.

For the rest: we've had a great holiday :)

As ever we've been cycling with an organization that takes care of your luggage and the tents and stuff like that.
You arrive at a campsite (our starting and ending location was Chablis, you know from the wines) where your tent is set up, a table with chairs and some kitchen utensils and a gaz-thing is ready for you.
Every Monday and Thursday you go to another campsite (luggage gets transported) and in between you can make daytrips or do whatever you fancy.

The idea for this year was that I would be taking M. on the prolonged bike behind me and that T. would be in the seat and C. in the Vanley.
As it turned out however, I was in a rather poor physical condition, combined with the fact that Burgundy is not slightly hilly but f**ing steep !

So, R. took the lot. M.'s bike was installed behind his and behind that the Vanley.
And yes, we were quite an attraction ourselves.
I must say, I really couldn't have done what R. did. Some serious claps here.
Man those hills are mean !

Weather's been good overall, I mean we simply couldn't look any paler than we did, so yes we do have a coulour.

Been to castles, abbayes, lakes, swimmingpools, lots of playgrounds, beautiful villages, churches, way too much to remember.
Seen a deer, a hawk, too many damned wasps (M. got bitten 4 times, among which 2 on his birthday!), a fox, that little animal with spikes on his back- runover but also alive and the latter one (obviously) bit R. in his finger when he came too close).

The camera held on great. The whole holiday with 1 set of batteries. And I only took 213 pictures!!
I am charging now and hope to be able to send them to a developer this afternoon.

The car however, is another thing.
R. who went out for shopping about 3 hrs ago, and just called. On the way back yesterday the car was pulling very much to the right. Just before we went to France we had 2 new tires put under and we just guessed they weren't balanced properly.
He said that this morning he almost could not get the car out of the parking lot and as it shook like a madman, he drove it straight to the garage where they noticed the right front tire was torn.
So, he'll have something to do this Monday.

Think my second load of laundry is ready to be hung up.


Blogger SkyMommy said...

Glad your trip was fun. I can't wait to see the pictures. I miss you guys like crazy. Tell the kids and Robbert I said hello and I'll see you all soon.

10:54 PM

Blogger Ineke said...

Hi there!
We miss you too! Your name comes up in the strangest ways. Yesterday when i went out with C. i got some change back and she said the money was for you!?
R.'s gone fishing with the boys yesterday and the boys wanted to make sure there wasn't going to be a shark on their line. No, R. said, they don't live here. Where do they live then? In America.
Will Abigail be alright then?
Apart from that, i just spoke to my sister. Marcel is leaving for Ireland Friday August 19. I am going to try to book your ticket to them for that date.
We'll cu in schiphol in a couple of days and you know now; if we're not outside at the gates like you expected, we'll probably be calling the police to report you missing ;)

10:13 AM


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