A. mailed me yesterday she was engaged.
Although this was always meant to be and we had talked about their marriage before, it still came as a shock. A nice one! but still i felt weird all day. It really made me cry.
I don't know.
I am just getting old i suppose.
Then out of the blue, we had a snow blizard yesterday.
It had been on the news so R. left work early and made it home safely.
M. my brother-in-law had been watching the kids today so he was sent home early too and then R. went on his mission to get 'Oliebollen'.
Between man and wife certain chores are divided.
I buy and decorate a Christmas tree (and dismantled it later this afternoon). R. buys the oliebollen. Now you might wonder why this is such a big deal.
Well we have the beste oliebollenbakker of the Netherlands nearby.
As of the 30st of December ppl line up.
And i mean easily wait for 2 hrs to get 10 oliebollen.
So there you have it.
R. put on his hat and gloves and got us the oliebollen.

This morning he did the last shopping, while i cleaned up Jamies room who is to arrive tomorrow! I washed another laundry, ironed and then we put my colleagues car at Thea's (where you don't have to pay for parking).
On our way back the boys saw some ppl already lighting fireworks and kept nagging to have some too.
After trying to make them understand that this was only going to be lit at 12 tonight, we bought some too.
A historic moment, for as of now, we will let them stay up (if they can) and watch and light fireworks themselves.
Other news on the cat front: Martijn came over and we told him he'd better look for another address for Plien and Siemen.
They are still extremely frightened towards the kids. They blaze and are definitely not amused when one of them enters the room. When Martijn came, Siemen came out of his cabin for the very first time and even let me pet him!
If they were like this, we would love to keep them, but i don't think we are the best suitable family for them.
C.'s in the tub now, we're having the sandwich rolls and champaign for tonight ready, and i am slowly winding down.
For all of my 3 readers: be careful tonight, don't drink and drive and have a blast wherever you are !!