A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

OK where were we

Right, i had lost our car key.
I let the air out of 2 tires (which in itself is risky enough, sitting alongside your car when it's getting dark and cars rush by over the Beukelsdijk) and have been looking outside the window the whole evening. By then it was clear the garage couldn't get hold of a key before Monday and the police couldnot/wouldnot do anything. R. had called them to ask for a wielklem, so the car couldn't be moved but they could not be persuaded.
He had a meeting scheduled that evening but skipped it to get C. who was at my mother's. When he arrived there, my mother asked if he could be a little earlier next time and why wasn't I there. (and yes I had explained we had lost our key)

Next day, car still there.
I rent a Twingo.

T. has a judo exam at 9, M. at 11.30
Great planning.
T. and R. go for the first trip and we decide that i take M. and C. for M.s exam.
Again he was a bit nervous, but especially in the beginning did great. Then he had to roll the other boy over and he looked as if he had never done that before.
In the end though, everybody got their orange slip.

Sunday morning i iron a shitload of laundry (nice, lice!) and in the afternoon Martijn and the cats arrive. He puts the 2 baskets inside (we have Plien the girl left here and her brother Siemen right). Plien escapes after a few minutes and crawls into the smallest and nearest hole she can find. Siemen thinks its safest to stay where he is.

In the evening we put them both in the room i am typing this all in and during the night we hear all sorts of new noises coming from the attick, underneath our bed, the hallway, and so on.

At 5.16 R. decides to catch them.

And fails.
We decide to let it go, besides we have to go to work and that evening when i have brought Lucas, one of the boys' friends over to our place, coz his parents had some babysitting problem (o yeah, i forgot, my babysitter called sunday afternoon that she was sick and was going to be so for the next day and the day after, so sorry, but C. was no longer her problem)

Err...where was i.

O ja, that evening R. decides to give it another go. We find Plien hidden between the closest in our bedroom and the window (a 5 cm space) and her brother hidden up in Abigails room between the books and a crate. Again a 5 cm space. We chase them down and lock them up in this very room i am typing.

They haven't really eaten for 3 days now, nor drunk. We are going to keep them in this room untill they are totally at ease with it, untill they eat and drink and we think they are up for the rest of the house.


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