So this is Christmas
We have been doing a lot of Christmas related activities (stole that one, anyone?) lately.
Both in the office (driving around half the country to hand over bottles of wine, chocolates and cheeses) and at home.
The kids had a Christmas dinner at school last Wednesday for which the parents were asked to bake something. Now we've made the mistake to bake an apple pie for M. last year, so he immediately volunteered at the teacher, who put down my name for 2 pies (this will be fun next year when C. is also at that school).
The resulsts (this word looks very strange) were OK and when i brought them over Wednesday night they were hyper excited.
2 other hyper excited creatures here in our house are Siemen and Plien.
That same wednesday night i called a vet coz they still had hardly eaten or drunk. She advised to change the food (which is rather difficult coz Siemen has some bladder problems and can only have specified food) and said that if things hadn't changed by Friday we had to come over.
TG they ate that night.
two days later they even let themselves be patted by R. who got a bit over eager and tried to pull Plien to his lap while he was behind the computer. Not only did she put her nails into his hand, she peed all over him!
Yesterday, Chirstmas eve i went to the hairdresser (am a sort of orange now according to the boys) bought the last presents, R. went to pick up the van (losing the key only cost us a mere 300 euro's) and did the last groceries. My hero for that one.
We decided the cats were really getting used and could do with some exercise so last night we opened the room to their door. We closed all the others and found one of them this morning down stairs behind a soundbox and the other up here! i didn't even know anything/one could get up that chimney !
We've been living here for 6,5 yrs now and never used it.
And if Siemen hadn't run over the little fence that is in front of it, R. would never have looked overthere in the first place.
Armed with towels around his arm and gloves on, he managed to get him out and get the most dirt out of him.
This whole cat idea of mine is proving to be not my smartest one.
Later that morning presents were unwrapped, we visited T. my mother-in-law and had a peaceful X-mas dinner.
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