Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
to sell or not to sell
I am searching for a new au pair.
And seriously, it is just like dating. (the dutch concept of that, coz i don't get the american dating. so complicated and with sort of rules i don't get)
i have something to offer and sell it.
candidates do the same and then after some time there's THE KISS.
Question always is; how blunt are you?
when do you feel comfortable enough in your relationship to let the other one see you without make up.
sitting on the toilet.
shaving your legs.
i see some future au pairs with popping eyes and raising eye brows here.
this crazy woman wants me to see all this?
old dutch traditions ;0
but you get my point don't you?
i seriously try not to make it any better than it really is.
coz not only for the au pair that would be a huge de-investment (i just made that word up).
For us too.
besides, by now i am pretty convinced families all over the world are the same basically.
everyone has their alcoholic uncle, their gossiping aunt, their white trash cousin or whatever.
And its the recognition of this that makes you realize we are seriously all equal.
i start talking about sales and end up at world peace.
o yeah.
I forgot the twisted mother.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I don't know about the exam. I mean, I should be able to pass of course but I was afraid it would be like it turned out to be. 30 silly questions about things you would normally simply look up and now had to blurt out.
2 weeks of nailbiting and then we'll know.
The boys played 3 matches today.
Lost 2 but had a blast.
The water is still freaking cold by the way.
No they are not in this picture, but i guess some of you have no idea what a waterpolo outfit would look like. Here you have it then.
Then Caroline and I headed off to (another) pool and yeah! next week she is allowed to swim her C diploma. Last year this time round when we went to Croatia she didn't have any diploma and now 3 so a round of applause here.
She asked me whether she would get a present if she was done.
Sure I said.
what were you thinking of?
Getting her ears pierced.
That's too big a present for a diploma I said.
My hair coloured? She then tried.
I am going to bed.
Monday, June 15, 2009
The rest of the months schedule
Gardener came over. Totally forgot, but hooray he's going to sort out the mess called a back yard.
This afternoon my car was supposed to be ready.
Garage told me (when i called them mind you, no they don't warn you) it was on the verge of being done but it needed some machine that was busy at the moment, so first thing tomorrow morning.
But then, Robbert needs to go to hospital.
Knee operation.
3rd time, so we know what to expect; no (or practically no) walking for a least a week and then a bit of walking for the week after that.
THE day.
still, groceries, yoga, tennis, (is Caroline going to play at Mira's?), remind Morten of his Dino presentation, gym at 6 for Caroline.
Who's making my b-day dinner? We'll see.
Rest of the week is spent with learning for my marifone exam this Saturday.
That same saturday Timo and Morten have a waterpolo thing going on. Robbert cannot drive so i have to split myself.
Next Tuesday, last day of our recruiter. Have to buy something downtown.
Next Thursday, Morten has judo exam
Next Friday, Timo has judo exam and Morten needs to be brought to sailing camp.
Next Saturday Caroline has judo exam
Next Sunday Morten has to be picked up from sailing camp.
I need a personal organiser.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Yes I was scared.
Mostly of fingers getting cut off.
They loved it though (Caroline mind you did the same) and thought the opening of the bridges was the best of the whole day.