Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Bed peace-Hair peace
I know there's a crisis out there, but i feel great spring is here and it 's my first free day of the year! The kids are doing good and in general i would like to say; give peace a chance. Amen.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The weekend
Last Friday Abigail asked me whether we had plans for this weekend and that usually means she's coming over yeah!!
Sofar we only had the judo exams planned so excellent timing.
That Friday night Caroline did a great test and got her yellow belt and the next morning, we got up about an hour earlier, baked a pie and at 8 sharp had breakfast with Joel and Abigail :)
Then Robbert went skating and we went grocery shopping at the market.
The boys were a pain and i told them if they didn't stop they had to carry my bags at the market. Halfway through i felt a bit sorry for Timo though. I bought 3 kilo chicken, about a kilo of several cheeses, tomatoes, apples, beans the lot.
Still, whats the use of children if you cannot mistreat them every now and then:)
Next on the list were Timo's and Mortens exams. We were a bit mixed up with the times but in the end they both did a great test too.
We were originally planning to visit the Zaanse Schans coz its a very touristy and Dutch thing to see (and i haven't ever) but that is at least 1,5 hr drive from here and the sun was shining so nice we decided to go fly our kites at the beach.
Then the sun went behind the clouds.
the first kite was missing a piece and couldn't get up.
the second kite went up and IMMEDIATELY fell down.
only to go up again and almost kill Morten by coming down on his head.
Then Morten couldnt get the kite up and went to sit a 100 mtrs away from us.
and then the 2nd kite broke.
that's how these family outings usually go i guess.
we tried to get some warm drinks then and luckily the 3rd cafe had space for 7
Friday, March 13, 2009
an afternoon at the theatre
Ok, so a while ago i ordered tickets for a theatre show for the kids and I.
i should have known something was wrong coz when i booked i could order seats at the very first row. Now that has never ever happened to me.
some weeks later i got a letter from the marketing manager from the theatre saying that unfortunately the show wasnot selling as well as they hoped and in order to fill up the room i could double my cards for free. Caroline asked a girl from her class, Morten asked Cem and Emre, who refused and Timo asked Marius. Then Jesse bribed Timo with a snoepje and he got to go too.
Wednesday afternoon.
I rush home with 6 kids. Make about a million tosties and get them somehow all in time in the theatre. Here are some of the scenes we saw.
it was mostly about how to make and fake tv. About soundeffects and blue screens for weather girls but also about cliffhangers in soaps and autocue for newsreaders.
In between they did some science tests (i now know how to get a boiled egg into a bottle, seriously) and it all ended with a huge videoclip.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Sex ed # something
2 days ago, while laying beside me in bed she tells me; you know i really think it is gross you don't wear a pyama.
then she takes off her pyama top and stairs at my breasts.
How old are you when you get breasts? she asks.
well, that depends, maybe 12 maybe 15.
You know, i know this girl who is this tall (hand gestures) and already has breasts.
Would you like some i said
No, coz it means i also need a man.
you don't need a man i say, you need a bra when you get breasts.
O yes, a bra.
You know Bastienne (the slut who had 3 boyfriends at the same time in kindergarten) already wears a top. You can also wear a top when you have breasts, can't you.
Sure i say, not knowing where this is leading to.
This morning at breakfast she pops the question;
how many times do you need to sex before you have a baby?
Morten covers his ears and Timo, oblivious to it all, puts chocolate spread on his sandwich.
we did it 3 times Robbert says.
again that depends i say.
sometimes you only have to do it once and you get pregnant
yeah but what if i want more children she says.
then you have to wait till the first baby is out and then you can do it again.
when i asked her if she had any plans she denied, but i sometimes fear the coming years.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
It's the last day of the spring holiday today.
The boys have organised a football cards trade/exchange at noon right in front of our house (Morten had been handing out notes yesterday and been delivering them round the block) and they only need 1 more card now before their whole album is full!
Caroline and I have been to High School Musical this afternoon. She was so happy, clapping and swinging in her chair and sometimes hiding her face in her hands when there was some boy-girl action.
Apart from the fact that we still don't have outlook on our new pc and overall a more crappy internet connection than the last months, Robbert & I are finally beginning to feel better.
Seriously I have not felt this lousy (the past THREE weeks guys) since i had a child or something.
AND... we are looking into our Canadian summer holiday!!
Very, very excited.
We are thinking of BC/Vancouver area. Sorry Melissa, Jessica and Abigail & Joel but the distances are simply to big to do east and west.
Tomorrow it´s back to work for everyone !