A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Sunday, March 01, 2009

It's the last day of the spring holiday today.
The boys have organised a football cards trade/exchange at noon right in front of our house (Morten had been handing out notes yesterday and been delivering them round the block) and they only need 1 more card now before their whole album is full!

Caroline and I have been to High School Musical this afternoon. She was so happy, clapping and swinging in her chair and sometimes hiding her face in her hands when there was some boy-girl action.

Apart from the fact that we still don't have outlook on our new pc and overall a more crappy internet connection than the last months, Robbert & I are finally beginning to feel better.
Seriously I have not felt this lousy (the past THREE weeks guys) since i had a child or something.

AND... we are looking into our Canadian summer holiday!!
Very, very excited.
We are thinking of BC/Vancouver area. Sorry Melissa, Jessica and Abigail & Joel but the distances are simply to big to do east and west.

Tomorrow it´s back to work for everyone !


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