The weekend we got Timo drunk
It all started out fine.
Saturday morning we celebrated Chelsea's birthday, Robbert went off for his (ice)skating lessons, he came back and picked the boys up for judo, right after that to waterpolo and i took Caroline to the pool for her b diploma.
Only one more diploma to go and all 3 children have their necessary 3 diploma's. Can hardly believe it.
Then dinner.
Now you made have read in Chelsea's blog :) we ask the children to use fork and knive when they eat, but we also ask them to sit up straight.
Timo for some reason has developed a habit of leaning backwards with his elbows/arms over the chairs as if hanging on a bar stool.
When i asked him for the 40th time to sit up straight, he said; Well i'd rather have a whiskey.
O how he wished he had never asked.
We made him take a sip.
Only when i would take a photo he agreed.
So there you have it. This is right after he drank and in a panicking voice said; take the photo, take the photo.
He than ran to the sink and coughed and spit till his face was green while everybody else around him was laughing with tears.
He than came back to the table and boasted he felt nothing.
Well either way you have to wait till you're 18 we said, coz this is illegal.
Wow, i am going to tell all my friends he replied.
You'd better not or we go into jail, robbert said.
Well you have to be in jail for 21 years then Timo said.
21 years?
Yeah, coz i am 8 now and in 3 years time i am 18.
(and Timo always has A+++ for his arythmatic)
We then had icecream for dessert.
Timo started to blow onto the ice.
Coz it was so cold.
He had to laugh too, but clearly was a bit confused as if he was thinking to himself, why am i doing this?
Anyway, to clear everyones head a bit we went to the petting zoo in Schiedam this afternoon where the kids immediately took over this broken tractor and had the wildest fantasy adventures with it.
I am going to do some exercises (i will tell you all about that seperately) and then out for Chelsea's birthday dinner!
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