A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The weekend

Last Friday Abigail asked me whether we had plans for this weekend and that usually means she's coming over yeah!!
Sofar we only had the judo exams planned so excellent timing.
That Friday night Caroline did a great test and got her yellow belt and the next morning, we got up about an hour earlier, baked a pie and at 8 sharp had breakfast with Joel and Abigail :)
Then Robbert went skating and we went grocery shopping at the market.
The boys were a pain and i told them if they didn't stop they had to carry my bags at the market. Halfway through i felt a bit sorry for Timo though. I bought 3 kilo chicken, about a kilo of several cheeses, tomatoes, apples, beans the lot.
Still, whats the use of children if you cannot mistreat them every now and then:)

Next on the list were Timo's and Mortens exams. We were a bit mixed up with the times but in the end they both did a great test too.

This morning the kids and Robbert went to the pool while i stretched and bent myself double at Bikram Yoga (that's the 'hot' yoga for those of you haven't got a clue; you do your excercises in a room that is heated up till 40C) and Abigail and Joel caught up on some sleep.
We were originally planning to visit the Zaanse Schans coz its a very touristy and Dutch thing to see (and i haven't ever) but that is at least 1,5 hr drive from here and the sun was shining so nice we decided to go fly our kites at the beach.
Then the sun went behind the clouds.
the first kite was missing a piece and couldn't get up.
the second kite went up and IMMEDIATELY fell down.
only to go up again and almost kill Morten by coming down on his head.
Then Morten couldnt get the kite up and went to sit a 100 mtrs away from us.
and then the 2nd kite broke.
that's how these family outings usually go i guess.
we tried to get some warm drinks then and luckily the 3rd cafe had space for 7

Caroline is glued to Abigail and has the best weekend of 2009 sofar.
We're going out to dinner in about an hour. Eet smakelijk allemaal!