I think Valentines Day, overall, is not such a big deal as in the States. Sure teens send each other cards or give gifts but in the almost 20 yrs I know Robbert my total count is about 1 heart cushion and 2 cards. Maybe flowers.
Anyway, yesterday evening at the dinner table I said to the kids that if they wanted to give someone a card, they had to buy it today, coz sunday most of the shops here are closed. And the post for sure doesnt work.
Caroline blurted out she wanted to send Pieter a card. Now she knew he was already taken (by Olga, her 2nd best friend), but we all agreed that you can never be loved enough and that Pieter would be happy with his card.
Then we asked Morten whom he would like to send a card.
No one.
Ally suggested Claire (Claires mom also made an apple pie -like i did- for the class's christmas dinner and of course mine was way better).
No not Claire he said, coz Clair was dumb.
Good point Morten.
We then opted for several other class mates until Ally said he should go higher up and consider the 8 graders.
Hey, that's a good point. A whole new world to explore.
We suggested Charlie (yes a girl) but according to Morten Charlie was already taken by Sengim (the older brother of his best friends, the twim Cem & Emre). Ok, so Charlie was no go.
Pity, coz she lives just a couple of doors down the block so he could even drop the card at her place. AND Charlie is doing to the gymnasium, so Smart. But still, taken.
THEN.... Robbert suggested Paula (a girl they have judo with and who lives nearby so the Sunday morning Robbert picks her up and then Paula's mom brings the boys home again).
Morten flipped, in which we of course saw our proof of something being right.
He stomped Robbert in the back and kept on shouting Paula was not his girl.
Yah, ja.....something was happening for else he wouldnt react so fiercely.
We then went over to Timo and right away suggested Florien.
Florien is a tough girl, one of the boys basically and Timo could approve our suggestion.
Morten then opted for Lotte, who is very sportive (very good in gymnastics). The way he brought it though, was, that he said Lotte was so bendy.
Ally almost choked, thinking way to far ahead, coz all he meant, she was a sports girl and they could play monkey (whereup ally asked if thats what the kids called it these days, but that was just her dirty mind).
I just bought 2 cards. One for Pieter and one for Florien.
In Pieters one Caroline wrote "
Liefe Pieter,
Ik vind je leuk, maar dat weet je al.
Maar je bent niet op mij en dat vind ik niet leuk.
groetjes, Haas
Deer Pieter,
I like you but you know that already
But you are not into me and i dont like that
Greetings, Haas
In Florien one's Timo wrote:
Forien (i pushed in an L)
ik wil je graag zien
je bent een mooi en stoer meisje
en je staat bovenaan mijn lijstje
i like to see you (in dutch it all rhymed)
you are a beautiful and cool girl
and on top of my list
Ofcourse everyone is sworn to secrecy by especially Timo, (Caroline just spills her heart out to anyone, so is less bothered) so thats why i am writing it here for the whole world to know. Hush!!