A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Her royal princess turned 5

She was counting the days since we practically came back from Denmark, but finally THE day had arrived. Presents in the morning, presents at her birthday party for her friends later in the afternoon and again presents in the evening when family came over. She has been spoilt rotten but so you should be when you turn 5.
Gefeliciteerd liefje!!

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Hatchee. Thanks

Monday evening.
2 of the 3 cats are inside and the one that is usually crawling around your legs anyway is not.
She comes in after 10 minutes of calling.


Robbert calls the vet. Who has service till 18.30 but doesn't want to take in a new case 5 minutes before she closes.
We call the replacer and leave a message.
Finish dinner and leave a message.
Holy cow
where's the emergency (you pay double for evening consults!!) in this emergency number?
Anyway. 19.45 we get ahold of someone.
Grab the cat and put it together with a sleeping shirt in a bench.

About an hr later he's back. They are gonna take a photo but the machine needs heating up for 2 hrs. Pffff.

Around 10 we get a call. Yep, it's broken, although neatly.
She can be picked up the next day.

2 kids are coughing. 1 badly. One not so bad.
The other one has a severe attack of spontaneous headache.
The result; the headache and bad cough stay at home. The 3rd goes to school.
Only for me to receive a phone call asking him to pick him up after 10 minutes. He puked all over.

So 3 kids at home.
one cat to pick up.
Easy. I can do this

I feel like crap.
My throat hurts, all my bones hurt.
Feel for me !!!!
I am sick.

Pity i have 3 recovering children around. I barely make it till the evening and get in bed around 8

2 kids back to school
the one that stays in, can go for an extra swimming lesson today so that he may get the note saying he can go for his B-certificate.
Not taking any chances here.
Anyone who has kids and has been in a pool once, knows they are overheated, overcrowded and in general suck the life out of you, so any kid getting more and more towards the desired abc certificates is one that should not be messed about.
Anyway, the kid knows what's at stake and delivers the note.
To celebrate we have Chinese.
The broccoli and shrimps taste weird.

Back to school for everyone

At the breakfast table i can only stand robberts coffee when i have my head hanging outside the window for fresh air. What is this? I only whas this nauseous when i was pregnant and God is my witness here, that is pratically impossible (hi honey.)
Damned shrimps.
Pity the boys have skating lessons at 10.
Morten has to judo at 1 and Timo has to go for his trial swimming exam at 3.
I sweat myself through the better part of the day and collapse in the afternoon. Only to be awake again at

I have tickets for some illusionist'show.
The kids love it.
Robbert and i are amazed at the people who actually visit the show without having any visible children around. I buy Carolines presents for coming Wednesday (she turns 5 ladies and gentlemen)and finally, finally eat the first normal meal of this whole week!

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Saturday, October 06, 2007


Moving office is almost as bad as moving house.
In about 1 week we will be at our new location, right besides Rotterdam Central Station.
Now, we're moving into a monument with all the regulations that go with it. Our intended walls may not be seen from outside (we're on the second floor, so you have to be mighty tall anyway), our pantry with a huge photoscreen of the Erasmusbridge (the pay off being we are bridge builders between a client and a candidate) cannot be taller than 1,50. Allright, 1,80 then.
Why did we need 2 interview rooms btw?
What is to you mister?

When the architect had finally approved our plans, we called the phone companies, internet provider, ordered new furniture, lamps, desks, the lot.
To get through the bureaucracy of some firms (read Planet internet in particular) is a job in itself.
So you want to report a move. What will be your new areal code?
O i see that that's a business, i will connect you through.
O it's a business, you should be speaking to firm so and so.
Firm so and so: no, sorry Planet has to deal with that.

*deep, deep sigh*

Apart from the above, it's business as usual AND we're trying to sell our present stuff through ebay.
Which is why i am at the office right now, waiting for someone to view some closests.

Anyone in need of lights? 2 phones? A coffeemachine. Everything's for sale here.

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