A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Monday, July 09, 2007

The tag

There once was this au pair.
Who had her tongue pierced.
Her hair dyed.
Her butt bitten.

And then tagged me !

Don't know whether to be honoured or annoyed.

These are 'the rules'

"Each person posts the rules before their list, then they list 8 things about themselves. At the end of the post, that person tags and links to 8 other people and then visits those peoples' sites and comments letting them know that they have been tagged, and to come read the post, so they know what they have to do."

First of all; it's going to be a hell of a job finding 8 other people.
I am a lost soul.

Still. here goes.

1. If i get bitten by a mosquito, 9 out of 10 its on my eyes or my lip.
I have pictures to prove i can have the mouth of a big momma AND look like a chinese at the same time. Sounds way more funny than it is.

Last wednesday i was bitten on my right eye. Could hardly open the bugger.

Children were sitting downstairs, watching telly.
Hey guys, do you notice anything on me?
You look like pappa one of them said.

No, no, look at my eye.


Morten almost threw up and asked me to wear my sunglasses at breakfast coz it made him nauseous.

That day it was games day at school and I had volunteered to help. I was administered to Timo's group. Who said I made HIM look like a fruitcake because of my eye.

2. To all the girls out there; take it from someone who knows; once over 40 you are nowhere without a pincet.

3. I am pale. White. Whatever.
And i would like to be tanned. Brown. Healthy looking. Can-you-tell-i-have-just-been-on-vacation-looking. So every once in a while i pluck up up the courage to go to a tanning salon. See i really have a problem laying still for 10 minutes or more. I start to shift uncomfortably, try to see thru my lashes how much longer this will take me. But i need at least 4 visits before any one sees results.
Self-tanning lotions. I know.
But i don't want to end up as a carrot and i am afraid i won't have the patience to do that too.

4. I can mirror write.
Like reverse.
Don't know why, learned it myself back in the day and i am a total master now

5. i can touch the ground with flat hands, any time of the day. Or night. Try me.

6. i am seriously weird with eyes.
Like if i see someone poking in his eyes, or someone gives me a horror story about a contact lens getting lost and slipping behind eyeballs and stuff.
Really i do not want to hear stories like that.
Then again when i was doing my drivers licence thing and had to admit reading the signs and exits in time was rather important i had to face putting contacts in - and OUT!- myself.
The first time i had to have my eyes tested and the contacts put in - by the optician- it took about an hr. No kidding.
The very thought of having my eyes lasered like one of my co-workers has done, is freaking me out.

7. I cannot swallow pills.
I choke and gag.

8. I cry at too many movies. Honest, i am such a wimp.

Alright then, as Abigail is seriously lacking, i'll tag Joel



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the tag! Sorry it took so long for me to respond. You can see my 8 items and friends tagged on my blog. Thanks again. This was so much fun I've had a smile stuck on my face all day!

Always Learning,

6:37 PM


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