A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Just a quicky

This weekend we've finally bought curtains for the living room again.

While we were at it, also wallpaper (very hotel-like) for our bedroom and for C. a new bed. The poor kid can hardly stretch her legs anymore and with her 4th birthday coming up, she
deserves a new room. The plan is to send her out sleeping somewhere these coming weekends (and if you don't mind can her brothers come too?) so R. and i can redo/paint her room. Lots of bright colours (i'll try to limit the pink)involved.

Last Friday R. and i got home from 3 days NorthEast England. Beautiful landscape, nice hotels, interesting food (lots of greasy chips; yumm!).
And we only got nearly killed once.

From the start we had said to each other how important it was to keep left (like these mad englishmen do).
Only, when you've made a turn, approached a roundabout, went on your way after you parked the Motorbike (yeah, no cars here) you just forget.
Driving left is not in our system.

So while both R. and i kept thinking "what the beep is that beep doing while she keeps coming up to us, and o my god, she does see us doesn't she, is this woman barking mad, oohhh, wait a minute (and i closed my eyes here and grabbed R. even more tight) IT's US !!!
R, yanked the bike to the left and we passed 2 wide eyed senior citizens who were this inch apart from a heart attack.

And we only fell twice.
Well R. did.
Luckily i wasn't on the bike then.

First time was right before we almost hit the above mentioned car.
R. was doing a turn on cobblestones and simply skidded away.
Now that was also just after the motor had turned of 3 times because he was standing in front of a red light on a very steep hill.
Needless to say we caused some steers.

Now funny enough (although not on purpose) we also set the intern control traffic system off.
See, we were in inner Durham where you pass some sort of stopsign when you enter and when you go out. The idea is that the area is so old/specific/narrow you have to pay to be there with a vehicle. And when you go out either a pole is put up or some thing is let down.
This time it was a pole.
And with R. being mad already because A the motor was killed several times, B 5 mtrs after that the bike fell down (and mind you hauling up almost 4oo kilos (with packing) isnot eay and C his freshly painted and spotless bikes was rather...spotfull.
So. he sees this pole and decides to drive past it.
Now that is possible ofcourse, but what about the driver behind you?

I must admit i saw all this happening (i was still sitting on a bench, gasping for air, after having pulled up my bit of the 400 kilo's) but i didn't totally get it. Untill i went over to where he had parked the bike and we got back and i see this queue standing in front of this thing where you have to put your money in, and people start getting out of their cars and walking up to the front and i thought, am i glad i left my helmet at the bike, quickly took out my motorjacket (hey it was warm) and walked on.

What else.
Well the cats are growing like mad.
Even after the 3 days we were gone, they were soooo big.
They are so cute still.
The kids still strangle them in their attempts to cuddle (Ik wil alleen maar knuffelen, ahh. lieve poes, wat ben je een lieverdje) and it is really amazing no kid has a scratch up till today.
I try to explain to them that when they are cuddled up in their little beds and i would start stroking them and throwing myself upon them, they wouldn't like it also, but i am afraid it's a lost battle.

Ok tonight i am going to my 2nd art history introduction lesson. It's nice. The first one was about the Greek, last week i missed the romans, have to look up what we're getting into tonight.
The teacher really pulls us thru it in no time but i like that. And besides we're sitting on these wooden church couches that will give me a stiff * * anyway if it takes too long.


Should anyone have any idea where i can find M.'s chess book i'd really appreciate it if you step forwards.