A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Friday, May 06, 2005

Busy busy bee

To see where i was yesterday evening; click here.

This morning M. and T. had their last day of the ski-ing lessons. The idea was they would come down doing a slalom.
Now i have been watching them for the last 2 days and it's been hilarious.
8 kids between the age of almost 4 till 5, for the first time on ski's.
2 teachers who do nothing but untangle legs and ski's or kids who have run into each other and just lay there, putting gloves back on, motivating crying chickens etc. etc.
Yesterday they went up the hill with some sort of a rope they had to grab and hang on to till they were at their destination. One girl fell on her knees but hung in there for dear life and was dragged upwards for at least 15 meters. I could have easily shot a whole episode of home made funniest videos.
It took the teachers about 15 minutes to get everybody up and make sure they were horizontally on the hill coz everybody began sliding backward/downhill immediately. And then they began practising curves/bochten. Lots of swaying arms, children falling. Great, i sat there for 1,5 hr constantly laughing.
So today was the big day.
T. being the more obedient one, had done better the whole week but couldn't stand the pressure today, fell halfway and just stayed there till he was picked up by someone.
Surprisingly M. (who after day 1 claimed he could ski and wanted to go snowboarding; yeah right) , did OK today. In fact, proud mother that I am, i can solemnly say he was the best !
Ofcourse in the end they all got their medal and it was really heartbreakening cute to see they thought they had done something extraordinary and that's why they got it.

So i am waiting for a guy for an interview now, but it looks he's not showing and he's not answering his cell phone.

Then i have to run to the postoffice. We bought the van last Tuesday and i want to register it under my companies name in order to profit from lower wegenbelasting.

I mustnot forget to pick up some prescription from the pharmacie.

I have to get April's administration ready for our accountant.

I have to call some organisation to get the parking permit transferred to the van with new license but we can't seem to find the old one. Shit. This is going to take me ages to convince some civil servant not to start a whole new parking-permit-procedure but just to switch the license numbers.



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