A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

my manipulative 7 yr old

The after school programs for the second period are almost done.
Caroline did cooking this time and mosaic.
This thursday she has some sort of an exhibition about the mosaic work and she asked me to come see it at 4.
i can't honey, i work at that time i told her, but daddy will be there.
while we were eating about 10,000 paaseitjes, she then spoke the unforgettable words:

so you think your job is more important than your child?

did i hear that correctly Ally asked.

Of course i do I said,
that's why you definitely slept for the last time in my bed last night when you had a nightmare.
and that's why i am never helping your brothers out again when they have a school presentation and i am about powerpointing and photoshopping and whatever for them.
And why are you going over to play at emma's tomorrow afternoon when i am at home then?
do you favour playing at emma's over your own flesh and blood?
o and something else.
my job paid for those clothes you are wearing and those paaseitjes (chocolate easter eggs) you are eating.

i think she finally got the point but hey, with these manipulative powers at the age of 7,i see a great future in PR, politics or soap scriptwriting within easy reach.


Blogger MELISS said...

AHhahHAhahHAHahHAH OH Care!!!!!
She's such a piece of work, that one!
Clever, cheeky, little gal!

You're right though-with her wit, and sharp tongue she's got a great future in many jobs ;)

5:30 PM


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