A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cosmetic surgery

so Robbert and I had been thinking about doing a double surgeon exchange present for Christmas, last year, but somehow that didnt happen and i didn't think anything of it anymore.

That is until I saw the holiday photos.
Seriously, there is one where i look like I am well above 70
eyes wise that is.
Its taken 'en profile' and i just don't have an eye lid anymore.
I cant even explain it but believe me, it looks ridiculous.

So what does one do in times like these?
One goes to ones hairdresser.

Whatever you do, you do both upper and lower eyes she said.
O yeah. Coz once you have done your upper eye lids, you only emphasize the wrinkles underneath.
Makes sense, but I didnt think i really needed that.
O and dahling she said.
stop right there, coz whenever i go there, i put on my turtle neck, lay my head on the counter so that is all they can see and then i ask for a little filler.
coz really i might go on for ever.
did you ever notice my tummy?
or did you know i have the perfect bra size. Only thing is, i roll 'm up and then put them in.
or that pleated skirt i have at the back of my upper legs.
or the chicken wings on my arms.
No girl, you just have to decide; till here and no further.

So I make an appointment at this clinic.
Robbert and I take an afternoon off and head over.
And you cant help but sort of scrutinize the people you meet there.
What on earth can she be here for?
Are they here for her or him?

Anyway, after 40 minutes waiting!! the doctors aid comes to pick up the list I had to fill in (medical history, expectations, that sort of thing).
she sort of goes over it, so when THE doctor finally comes in, i wont take up too much of his precious time with stupid questions she should have shielded from him.

The moment is there.
THE doctor comes in.
the doctor to be precize coz he's about 60 and i tower over him.
What would you like to know he asks.
what i can expect,how much it will hurt and till when i am good again i say.
so he asks me to step in front of the mirror and tells me where he's going to draw a line and what he will remove.
and yes, i will be locally sedated and no that wont hurt.
and i will be fine till i am about 60 again.
final question on my side; can you make sure i dont like a scary weazel 2 seconds before he's getting run over by a car and looks into its front lights?
yes says the doctor, coz that might only happen if you also do a brow lift.

ok set, I say and after i get another brochure, a recipe for painkillers and some eye drops we are off.

next week i am going for a second opinion to the surgeon my hairdressers been to.
see, with a husband who's just been laid off, every penny counts.
and as it happens, her guy is 500 euro cheaper.
to be continued!


Blogger MELISS said...

can you make sure i dont like a scary weazel 2 seconds before he's getting run over by a car and looks into its front lights?

^^That part had me running for the bathroom, I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants!

Well I still think you're being hard on yourself, but go for it if it will make you feel better :)

You'll always be beautiful<3

How much DOES that sort of surgery cost, in The Netherlands? (If you don't mind me asking) I wonder if it's much cheaper, or much more expensive than here, since we do cosmetic procedures so much more in North America...

So you're thinking of having it done soon, eh?
Ahhhhhhhh next time I see you it'll be like a whole new Ineke!
(And you're just going with the upper then?..and Robbert nothing, for now?)

I'm excited to see where this goes!

8:00 PM

Blogger Ineke said...

the clinic i have been to charges 1500 euro.
the surgeon we're going to see in 2 wks time charges 999 euro.

and robbert might just be doing a total make over with a new job and new eyes. Yesterday he even confided he had been thinking of going bald!
i am still recovering.

8:04 PM

Blogger MELISS said...

Hrm...that's a good price, compared to Toronto-I did some research and most surgeons around here charge $3000 CAN and up...

So Robbert is still thinking of having it done? Good for him! Buttttttttttt I AM IN SHOCK ALSO! Robbert with no hair! OMG! Ah! I mean, another GOOD FOR HIM...but I just can't see it!

Do you like the idea? :P

2:29 PM

Blogger Ineke said...

well... in general i like bald men, but i also think it will age him a lot. To be honest, i think it was more to see how i would react than a sincere wish.

2:40 PM

Blogger MELISS said...

Well Robbert oozes confidence, and he's got a great build (like, his body is in a much younger shape than his age) so I think he'd pull it off in that sense...I just think Robbert has such a nice hair colour it'd be a shame to cut it off! It goes so nicely with his eyes!

3:48 PM


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