A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Friday, January 27, 2006

I know i am not supposed to say this but

sometimes i think my kids are complete and utter...
well, morons.

I mean M. is 6 yrs old.
It's not like he doesn't understand Dutch or is hearing it for the first time.
Nor is he hearing "you guys be careful now, i don't want that water outside of the tub on the floor" for the first time.

So I go upstairs to brush C.'s teeth, read her a story and then i hear laughter.

Laughter is not good.

You may think otherwise, but let me tell you, laughter from 2 boys in a tub is not good.

And when i open the bathroom door, M. 's face goes from red to white and i swear; there's about 5 towels worth of water on the floor.

Another example.
Of his brother this time.
Last Sunday we went to pick up C. who had stayed 2 nights at Toos'.
On the way back we wanted to visit a pancake restaurant but decided to visit a playground/some woods first to let them blow off steam so they would have calmed down when we went to lunch.
Now the boys picked up several sticks (swords) and wanted to take them home.
No way José.
Okay, you can throw them in the back of the car then.
And that's what T. did.
Only he didn't close it properly

So last Wednesday i planned to do the groceries and couldn't open the car.
At least not with the distance control from the key.
Couldn't start it either.
Couldn't close it anymore. At least lock it.
What now?!!

I called R. who said the battery was problably empty.

so no groceries today
That evening at 7.30 pm R. came home.
Thing is tho, the cables for jumpstarting were in the back of the car.
The back that couldn't be opened coz the distance control didn't work anymore.

So off he went to a tankstation to buy new ones.
After about 7 minutes the battery was full enough to start the car again and after i had driven about 20 minutes it was almost full again.

Now our latest addition; C.
She cut her own hair.
A few weeks ago i saw she had some sort of a pony.
And at the side some shorter streaks.
Now what she did was, whenever something hang in her eyes, she cut it.

i rest my case.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i still read your blog-nearly every day after i checked abigail's:-)i was an aupair friend from abigail and now i try to stay up to date although i am living in utrecht now and all my loved ones are back in usa:-) i like your blog and it is so nice to hear about your children. have a good day!

12:20 PM


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