A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Thursday, September 15, 2005


On Dutch television we have about 3 programs about brats and supernanny's. We have an english JoJo (who visits american families btw) we have an older american nanny and there's the dutch shallow equivalent too.

R. and i accidentally zap into one of them and usually we love it.
it makes us see, there are ppl out there who are doing an even worse job than the 2 of us.
I mean you can think you are having a hard time with 1 kid, until you have 2 of them and you long for the day there was only one.
Somehow we got crazy and had our 3rd one (and if we had started at a younger age, we'd for sure have 4 or maybe even more kids but let's not get into that one).

And i know other parents are watching too, coz the other day R.and i were taking the kids out to the big M. and while we were in line and the kids were running around, soon to be joined by 2 boys, their mom was behind us holding a baby. One of her boys smashed C. on the head and she tried to get him beside her.
Which he didn't do obviously.
We looked behind us and smiled understandingly when she said;
"I know i should get down on my knees now and speak to him with a low authoritive voice"(that's what JoJo always says :) "but the baby is in the way"

at these supernanny programs the mom is usually at home, dad's not to be seen and they have at least 3 children.
These kids smash each others head in, run away, wreck the house, don't go to bed, don't eat/stay at the table etc. and finally Nanny comes to a rescue.

Yesterday there was a couple with at least 5 kids (we couldn't keep count, camera work was zooming in on a kid with a pillow over his head and stuff like that so we couldn't see who was who)
They were bad !!
Really really bad.
And dad thought mom wasn't up to it, so mom just shut up entirely and the nanny said this family was one of her biggest challenges in her nannying career so far.
The thing why i am going on about this episode is; C. has grown a habit of having pain somewhere suddenly whenever she doesn't want to do something anymore or gets scolded coz we don't want her to do sth.
They had wining kids too and she said they should use words for their emotions and stop wining.
So, this morning i tried to explain to C. she was probably angry coz she couldn't come along with us to Rotterdam and that's what made her say her knee hurt.
Thing is, when you have about 5 minutes to get your shoes on, look for your keys, say goodbye to everybody and..
it's not that easy to keep your cool and sit down with a 2 yr old wining toddler.

On the other hand, she can be the cutest of them all with her little girly manners and smiles.

And how is my own supernanny doing?
Fine I suppose.
Not getting much sleep I think with her boyfriend being over.

I have to make more time to speak to everybody.
I have to do sth about LFF.

here are some other blogs of moms i visit regularly;
This single mom has newborn twins

Ans this is a home-schooling mom who's kids would get along great with mine But the url of that one is on my private computer which is cleaned by now but cannot be connected coz we still only have a needrepair of electricity in the house.
I'll get back to that one.


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