A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Monday, September 05, 2005

Part II

At 9, everybody was sort of ready to go downstairs for breakfast ( there was hardly anything left, so that's when we decided, we better move on to another hotel) and after we had finished the last sandwiches and beschuitjes we went back to the house.

The smell is just terrible.

I decided to go over to my mother to get some washing done and R. decided to air the house as much as possible.With our last breaking in in mind (someone simply walked in and stole a wallet and laptop) he could do nothing else than to sit in the living room and wait for our return.
Joel took a stroll to town to clear his head a bit.
We did laugh coz the afternoon before, he had given the boys some wonderful storybooks and for R. and me he had a play called "Worst scenario's"
I shit you not.

Anyway, that afternoon we checked in at the Novotel in town and went to the lobby to have a drink and some bitterballen. They did say at the hotel that we had one of the last rooms coz there were all sorts of sports events going on in town and they were hosting different sportsmen.
So we were watching a baseball match between the Netherlands and Korea (we won with 6-2) and then these Korean baseball players walked into the lobby !
I shit you not.

We decided to go out to Betty Bear for some dinner and outside there are several international female cyclist groups and we end up with R., drooling over the most expensive bikes.
Again I shit you not.

Next to us on the highway a Ferrari is waiting for the redlight sign.
The driver gets out, comes over to us and says to Joel; here are the keys, go ahead try it out.
Yes, I shit you.
considering the ways things were going, anything could happen by then.
And the part of the Ferrari is true.

The rest of the night went by rather uneventfull apart from the fact that R. went to my mother's to get the laundry, while i was putting the kids in the tub, and came back, saying that he had had a call from the insurance person.
There were problems with the payment being overdue, so we were out of insurance as up to now.

So, this morning i brought the children to school, who had their bears with them as proof of an exciting saturday evening and i went to the office.
At about 11 i got a call from the insurance company saying some experts were coming over to check out the damage and see what needed to be done.
In fact 3 experts came over and stayed for about 2, 5 hrs, checking the cellar and having me explaining what happened.
If everything goes well, we'll get the green lights tomorrow and a specified cleaning company will get in and start with the house.
If not, I don't know what we'll do but we'll have a huge problem.

When R. collected the kids from school half a dozen mothers and teachers were almost in tears asking us if everything was OK.
M. turned out to have dominated the opening meeting of that day with all the kids asking him questions (you know Mom, Fenne asked me if it was cool that the fridge had exploded. I said, or you crazy or something?)
And T. spoke the famous words; because of the fire I am even cooler than I already was.


Blogger SkyMommy said...

Wow, I'm so glad you guys are ok...I wish I was there to give you all a big hug but it won't be long. I miss you all bunches! See ya Friday.

9:58 AM

Blogger Ineke said...

Thanks !
I know everybody is keeping us in their thoughts.
I was speaking to Joel about coming friday. I have time reserved to pick you but wouldn't you prefer for him to do so?
Trouble is ofcourse we're not sure where we will be sleeping by then.
I'll send you an email !

11:26 AM


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