Caroline turned 7
Yesterday morning she came into our room saying she had slept like a dog and had the feeling today was a special day, only she couldn't remember why.
Sure honey.
Todays your birthday and I don't mind saying it to you a hundred times.
At 10 a bunch of girls arrived. She had invited 13, luckily 2 of them were unable to come and as it turned out one did't show up at all. With our 3 though, we still had 13 kids running around.
Luckily there was plenty of cake.
Then Robbert took the boys to judo and now owes me BIG time for staying behind with 11 girls, taking them home (in the back of the van), making them pancakes and then receiving the parents who were picking them up.
Morten with one of the Halloween lampions the girls could take home with them:
it was time for the highlight of this day.
Ears getting pierced.
She was pretty nervous and wanted to make sure there would be no blood nor pain. We told her the blood was covered, but unfortunately there would be a little pain.
little in her eyes meant something else.
After her first ear was done, she cried and said this would be it.
it took the sales rep and me a little persuading and then she had her second ear done.
back in the car, after the first itching and glowing was over, she was on top of the world and said she had had the best present EVER.
back in the car, after the first itching and glowing was over, she was on top of the world and said she had had the best present EVER.
Her cake was awesome, and Morten looks so handsome in that little hat.
And (*&%$*()_ she DID get her ears done!!!! Looks so cute...but how shall she judo now?
5:04 PM
we will put bandaids over them. They have a holiday this week, so 1 week is already gone AND robbert will go with her the first lesson to tell the whole story to Mario. Hope it will work, otherwise she can't judo for 5 more weeks.
5:07 PM
You could also bandaid them, put a cotton ball behind the lobe and then tape it all down flat-the bandaid just protects from scratches-she'll still poke the back of the earring into her neck if she falls, or has it hit-the cottonball cushions that ;) (I used to have to do it with my earrings, for sports)
2:14 PM
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