A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Sunday, April 22, 2007


These past few days i have been a lot on the net and on the phone calling/ordering stuff for the States.

Caroline and I booked a flight to Chicago for Abigails and Joels wedding and that was basically the only thing that went right.

The hotel i tried to book in Abigails place was full and the one that had vacancies had bad reviews.
So i tried to book one in Merillville, the place where they have their reception and i swear from the dozen that were shown on the net, i apparently booked the only that was barely in Merillville and more important, in some sort of ghetto neighborhood!
Had 5 (FIVE) good reviews AND it was called the Country Inn.
I mean, how is one to know?

Allright then, got that one cancelled and Abigail booked a hotel very near their place. Hoorah!

Then i tried to order something from their wedding list.
When i got to filling in the order form my zipcode and dayphone were not accepted, so i called the store.

And that is where i get to my point.

In Dutch i know almost instantly the names you say for letters.
Meaning Isaac for an I, or Marie for M.

In English though, it is a lot more difficult for me.
Our I is pronounced as ee and in english as why.
Your e is ovbiously an ee but in dutch an a.
Your a is in dutch an e.


My name is Ineke Pompen
I am pretty confident about spelling my first name but when someone repeats it fast, i am left in a blur with all the "whys" and "ees"
What proved to be worse is that i don't know the Names for the letters.

See, this lady wanted to know if Pompen was with an M or an N.

First a M from Mary and then a N from...

All I could think of was Negro.


No ofcourse i didn't say it, but i was frantically thinking what is it then?
Come on now, what starts with an N?
The women on the other end must think i am a total nuthead.
No i can't say that one either.
An N, give me an N !!

New? she said.

Why didn't i think of that?

Abigail, should you receive a package in a couple of days from Robbert and Eenika Ponpem, I tried.
And failed miserably.


Blogger Practically Dutch said...

Ineke you do make me laugh!!!

Why on earth didnt you think of Nutella?

3:38 PM

Blogger Ineke said...

Well, she also made me spell The Netherlands, so i am afraid i wasn't talking to the brightest employee of Bed Bath and Beyond anyway.

9:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ineke,

You once said you were funnier in Dutch, but i think you're pretty bloody funny in English too.

When are you and Caroline going to Chicago...the family i'm staying with lived there for five years before coming to Sydney -which is where i am now.

I've been meaning to write for ages, but always got sidetracked.

The kids are growing and growing, Timo esp. is going to be so tall.
I saw your photos from Easter with all the cousins -everyone is so grown up.

My sister is having a baby in June with her boyfriend. I'm very excited to be an aunty.

I was at Art school last year, took some time off from studying to see more of Australasia.
I'm living in a very flash part of Sydney, with a lovely Dutch family[I know you've had contact with them] who have two boys -actually the same ages as Morten and Timo were when i looked after them. the kids are bilingual -so that helps me alot understanding them.

I hope your all well. Hi to everyone. Enjoy the trip to Abigail and Joel's wedding.


5:34 AM

Blogger Ineke said...

Hey Myf,

I've been meaning to ask you where you ended up (i've been talking to the Dutch woman but also to an American one I think)so good to hear from you!!
Yes, there all growing up fast. Timo and Morten are of the same height and the way caroline is going, i think we'll have 3 equally tall children in 2 yrs.

And you becoming an aunt.
Wow.Big chances.

Will you be updating your blog a bit more now *grin/wink*? wo we can follow your australian adventures?
Hope you enjoy your new family, say hoi to the kids from me (do you still speak/understand some Dutch?)!

12:11 PM


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