A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Lost keys and other minor issues

Should you happen to come across my blue keycord, with about all the major (house/office/bikes) keys on it, pretty please let me know.

Robbert took the kids biking today to a pancake restaurant in het Kralingse Bos.

What he hadn't told them though was that he would go there via the Willemsbrug, passing the Feyenoord stadium, over the Brienenoord bridge and then to the pancake restaurant.
Caroline was on the aanhangfiets for the first time and quite exhausted as you can imagine.

On the other hand Morten is now convinced he wants to go on a biking holiday again, like we did a couple of yrs back in the south of France, and that those mountains are a piece of cake.
Then again, Rachel took them skating a couple of days ago and that convinced them they were future skating champions who wanted to take skate lessons.
Caroline is also asking for ballet lessons.
And Morten has taken a sudden interest in scouting.
It's not easy being multi talented.

I guess.


Blogger Practically Dutch said...

Oh no!! soon we are going to have no free days to make fun things out of toilet rolls!!

9:10 AM


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