A new business. With bonus material and bloopers and all. And you're right, I changed the title. Bit too presumptious. But if you want to find out more, got to learn Dutch first. Coz I tried in English, i really did, and it's just too much struggle. And hey i am lot smarter and wittier in my own language. So what i'll do; i'll just give it a go and juice it up with some Dutch whenever i am stuck. K?

Monday, October 24, 2005

The outcome

Well, today we had "another" final meeting with the expert.

Comes down to the fact that again, they cannot find an explanation other than the fire is lit.

I don´t know what to think of it. On the one hand i can understand they didn´t find anything and therefor are left with a blank. They seem to have tested everything and besides, it´s their job and not mine.
But to fill that blank with an accusation of one of us having set the house on fire is still too much.

He´s going to send his rapport to the insurance company next week (when i asked why it couldn´t be done this week, after all it´s only monday today, he came with some weary story about the report having to be checked by a technician, himself and someone from the office. I could only exchange what I hoped was a 'so what? look)
But this means we can only get an official answer by the end of next week from the insurance company.
Pff, i am so sick and tired of it.

On another level: after having updated my profile i get about a ton of indonesian and a couple of hundred of east~european and philippino girls applying for our aupair job.
We asked for an preferably native english speaking girl and apart from that, the Netherlands doesn´t issue visa for those countries, but that doesn´t seem to stop them. Bit annoying though when i get an email saying Jasmina has just added us to her hotlist and i find she´s a 37 yr old woman which simply doesn´t meet our wishes at all.
Luckily there are some girls that do.
I have to write something now about our beautiful angels here, haha, coz i gave them this webadress too.
I don´t know.
Whenever i see an add about precious and beautiful `angels´ the hairs on the back of my head begin to itch.

Yesterday afternoon i took the boys to the movies. Het Paard van Sinterklaas to be precise.
We bought a popcorn (which M. kicked over the minute he sat down, great) and a coke.
The funny thing is M. is much more scared than his `litte`brother. In between the commercials when the whole theater is absolutely dark, he squeezes my arm and there was even a moment (when Winky was to meet Sinterklaas) when he wanted to sit on my lap and hid his face on my shoulder.
And when Winky said `stomme rot Sinterklaas` even T. held his hand in front of his mouth with big eyes. How dare she say that!
It´s a great movie and especially because it deals with something so Dutch from the eyes of a little China girl.


Blogger pepernootje said...


it is possible for an SE Asian or a non-EU citizen to be an au pair in the Netherlands. Sure the visa process is slightly more complicated but it's really not that bad.

I'm a Malaysian and it was difficult finding a Dutch family because of the MVV but thankfully, I found one I really liked in the end. The visa process took only 3 months (including the time I took to apply for the unmarried status declaration and what-not).

I respect your decision in having certain criterias when picking an au pair(and this is definitely not a personal attack) but I just wanted to say that not all SE Asians or Eastern Europeans are just there for the money. I won't deny that most Indonesians for example are applying to be an au pair because they need the money but it's important to differentiate between such applicants and others.

In my case, I'm a college student. I'm doing well and the au pair allowance is actually quite pathetic (I mean, I could work in the mall here and earn more) BUT being an au pair gives me an opportunity to explore a different culture and country (and Europe..) for a whole year and that's why I chose to go to Europe via the au pair route. (BTW, no one here even knows of the term 'au pair' and when I first applied for it... the backlash from my parents, family and friends were enormous. They were annoyed and very distressed;) ).

Wow, that was a horribly long comment;)

2:10 PM


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