Xmas update

M. C. R. and T. playing stratego
So the car is not total loss. TG!
It's getting repaired and will hopefully be done the first week of January.
Robbert has only gained 3 kilo's the last 3 days.
Tara is behaving very strangely since yesterday. Either someone threw some fireworks after her (according to Morten that was not possible; only villains would do something like that, not normal people. How I agree) when she was outside, or during one of their pursue rallies she bombed into a wall or something coz she's crawling along the floors, staring with big eyes into dark spaces and most of all NOT eating.
The good news is that Timo is still alive.
See we were coming home yesterday from a walk through the kralingse bos and M. thought, why not smash my brother into the pavement.
Only Timo was already near the frontdoor and hit the stone thing that we have there with his eyebrow.
Still, all of them woke up this morning, so I guess it's just another ordinary day.
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