2 bikes and 1 washing machine coming up
Yesterday we went to Drunen, of all places to get the boys new bikes.
R. and i were planning to by some 2nd hands on the net, but the prices we saw almost justified new ones and when we thought we'd found a real good bargain, we set of to Drunen.
Now as it happened, Lucas one of M.'s friends was playing and staying the night over.
That meant 1 little 3 yr old, 1 5 yr old and 2 6 yrs old at the back of our car.
Ever since R. drives on his motor, he had earplugs because of the noise outside.
Let me put it this way; I almost begged him to let me use them.
My god.
we finally arrived at the store where C, realised her brothers were getting something and she wasnot and burst into tears, whereupon Lucas asked what we was getting today.
A kiss I said and that made him run for a little while.

After an ice cream at the McD.'s to cool everyone down, this is how our evening ended: the boys in pj's almost standing on R.'s hand and begging to help.
Today it was raining all day but tomorrow i hope we can take them outside and i'll take some pictures then.
Then the washing machine broke down.
We have our handyman over every other week it seems and as we learned this morning; he is on a holiday till June 6.
That means more than a week no washing, which is IMPOSSIBLE.
If you see 2 ppl tomorrow morning working themselves into a back injury getting one washing machine 2 flights of staircases down and then another one up, that'll be R. and I.
Hmm, sorry I am not there to help.
10:02 PM
Yes !! but be glad we cannot wait that long!
8:44 AM
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